Stephen Vantassel, Project Coordinator, at
All of you have sent me many great photos, but I am asking those who have Scrubs, or even see them in their backyard to send me photographs in digital format, at the highest quality your camera will take.
This is important to their research in many ways, but most important is finding non-lethal ways of keeping them from destroying certain crops. I ask all of you please try to help. Any pictures in high definition will be greatly appreciated by the University and me. They must be 3 mega pixels or more. Please let me know if I have permission to post these photos here as well. I will respect anyone who does not wish their photography to be posted, but will forward the pictures to the University.
This is a chance for us Scrub Jay lovers to help this species in a larger way then this blog has in the past. Lets get to work!
We have forwarded some picture to the University and they were very pleased and asked to keep them coming. One request, try to take pictures with a neutral background, like grey or white. This is helping their research and this is our chance to help the killing of birds in mass to protect crops.
Help stop the killing in mass is what I meant to say... long day.
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